Transform Yourself
Body Attention

Hallo, ich bin Judith und ich zeige dir,
wie du dein Wohlbefinden
wieder selbst in die Hand nimmst.

What can I do for you?

Body Attention with the Grinberg Method®

The Grinberg Method® sees people as holistic individuals - we think, act, feel and are physical. When we're stuck somewhere, we experience pain, frustration, stress, anxiety. Our body knows how to recuperate and use its energy - but we tend to get in the way.

During the session, I use touch, descriptions and exercises to teach you to pay attention to what you're doing in your body. You learn step by step to fine-tune your awareness. This enables you to stop automatic patterns of thought and behaviour, and wakes up your body intelligence. For increased energy, new inspirations, more freedom, and space for yourself.

  • Dealing with pain

  • Relaxing tension
  • Recovering your energy
  • Calming down
  • Gaining clarity
  • Präsenz erhöhen

  • Dich selbst spüren.

What my clients say:

Many years of working on screens with a bad posture have given me back and neck pains, which resulted in headaches. Neither physical therapy nor osteopathy or doing sports made them better in the long run. I decided to work with Judith because I wanted a lasting change.
Judith succeeded in getting me to focus more on my body again. This means that I notice a lot sooner when I tense up and when it's time to move around again.
The results: I suffer much less from back pains and the headaches are almost completely gone. When I feel a tension come up, I am able to relax it myself and don't need to go to a massage, like I used to. In addition, Judith managed to reduce my chronic menstrual pains. Would this have been possible without her help? Maybe. I personally would not have been able to do it. Seeing as my behavioural patterns had been ingrained over decades, I found it extremely helpful to keep getting her input.
I strongly recommend working with Judith: Her pleasant style, smart questions and good tips for daily routines have helped me get rid of pains and keep a clear mind for good.
Stephanie T., video coach

Judith was able to dispel my initial scepticism in the first session. It was extremely relaxing, and the successful results speak for themselves: by using specific breathing techniques and conscious relaxation, I now need much less pain medication than in the last ten years. My migraines have also gotten a little better. I slept better right after the first session.

I've also noticed that I tend to get tense without meaning to, and often without any reason. Conscious breathing has helped me become more loose and relaxed, my bladder is much less tense now. The process with Judith has also made me feel more balanced in general, less angry and annoyed. In short: I feel better overall.

Sylvia, office administrator

Thanks to you I haven't taken any painkillers in the last three months. I was able to deal with my menstrual pains by using the breathing styles you showed me in the personal sessions. I am sooo happy about that and it was totally unexpected.

Johanna R., employee

Working with Judith is really exciting and soothing, immensely beneficial! I leave each session completely different from how I enter. Together we work on very old tensions and postures. Piece by piece they come unstuck and there is room for something new. Dear Judith, I appreciate your impulses and your instinct very much, and I feel so much warmth and gratitude - thank you very much for your wonderful work!

Clara, financial accountant

Thanks to what I learned about my body with you, I now have more energy. And I know how to get it back if I need to! Breathing into the pain and specific exercises have resolved my low back pain in the last few days. Last week I was hardly able to walk without pain. Today I can do it :)

Melanie, mental coach